Co-exhibition ‘A Visitor’ by Eero Alev, Marleen Suvi and Brenda Purtsak at Hobusepea gallery (2022)

I don’t know what it feels to be dead, said a six-year-old girl to her father once. Her father listened, pondered, and remembered – neither did he know, but he yearned to. First, these twenty something thousand days given to us seem to last forever, but the more one moves along the axis, the days grow considerably shorter. We have a beginning and we have an end. Our visiting hours are limited and at some point, even without knowing it, we will leave all this behind. What did we find? Were we searching for something at all? How much did we ask and what did we give? We arrive from somewhere we remember nothing about, and we are going somewhere we know nothing about.


re-used window glass and plaster

Exhibition views from ‘A Visitor’ at Hobusepea Gallery

Photos: Mikk-Mait Kivi