Gentle Gestures of Self

Gazes lock, hands fix. The exhibition “Gentle Gestures of Self” deals with relationships, inner experiences and moods, highlighting hands’ special ability and vulnerability to convey all emotions, including those that cannot yet be articulated or that have been learned to control in facial expressions. Mimics and gestures in self-portraits point to specific moments, captures of different inner worlds. Anthropologist Ethel J. Alpenfels has said: “Hands point or lead or command; hands cry out in agony or lie quietly sleeping; hands have moods, character, and, in a wider sense, their own particular beauty.” Similarly, the exhibition “Gentle Gestures of the Self” exhibits works that convey temporary moods or deeper meanings through specific positions of hands.

Participating artists: Andre Joosep Arming, Annamaari Hyttinen, Cloe Jancis, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Taavi Rekkaro, Johanna Saikkonen, Marleen Suvi, Elo Vahtrik

Curator: Kaisa Maasik
Technician: Erik Hõim

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

“Gentle Gestures of Self”
EKA Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

Photography: Kaisa Maasik